Urang mimitian


The golden tiger sends off the Spring Festival, and the start is auspicious. On the eighth day of the lunar new year, we work hard, gather people's strength, work hard and start a new journey. Today is the first day of construction. Yuantaiderun is currently the largest square tube manufacturer in China. At the same time, it can also supply ERW steel pipe, hot-dip galvanized steel pipe, LSAW steel pipe, spiral welded pipe, etc. you are welcome to consult and leave a message. E-mail: sales@ytdrgg.com ,whatsapp:008613682051821. website:www.ytdrintl.com

kauntungan kami:

•1.100% saatos-jualan kualitas sareng kuantitas jaminan.
•2.Manajer penjualan profésional gancang ngabales dina 24 jam.
•3.Stok ageung pikeun ukuran biasa.
•4.Sampel gratis kualitas luhur 20cm.
•5.Kamampuh ngahasilkeun anu kuat sareng aliran modal.
• 6.urutan leutik katampa.
• 7.Brand ngaran bahan baku
• 8.rojongan OEM atanapi ODM
• 9,20 taun pangalaman Manufaktur
•10.Éta tiasa ngadamel pipa baja tina proyék sareng standar anu béda di dunya
• 11.Yuantai ngabogaan stock ngadeg leuwih ti 200000 ton, sarta spésifikasi kiriman taunan nyaéta:
Φ 219— Φ 1420mm,
• 12.The hideung, panas-dip galvanized pipe rectangular na spiral dilas pipe dijieunna tina q195-q460 boga kapasitas aya ampir 5 juta ton,

Saatos parantosan pangkalan énggal di Tangshan, total kapasitas produksi bakal ngahontal 10 juta ton.

waktos pos: Feb-08-2022